YThursday, December 21, 2006
Table mountain in all it's glory
This i'm afarid this is my last photo of Cape town...and how fitting that it should be a photo of the one thing i have come to love and adore about Cape Town, Table Mountain. I have had a fanatsic year in Cape Town...i have discovered my love and passion for photography as well as other hidden talents in this beautiful city. i have learnt more in this one year than i ever did in all my years at varsity. my two words to sum up my time in Cape town are 'soulful journey'. So on that note farewell Mother City, one day i shall look upon your face again and say 'i have returned to you'.
went to the Aquarium at the V&A waterfront Cape Town...and it was fanatastic... i have never seen such HUGE fish in my life. they really do look after the fish and other sea life there...just a photo of one of the fish they have there. i love the colours in this photo...
here fishie fishie-i'm going to eat you
this is a photo of a great white shark swimming past the tunnel area of the tank. i like this photo cos it gives you the feel of the great white sneaking up on his prey... i'm going to get you!!!!!
YSaturday, December 02, 2006
I think william has such a beautiful face that just screams to be photographed. William works and lives in Grahamstown and i only just met him the other day, even though i lived there for seven years. He has the most gentle eyes. It took quite a bit to get him to smile for the camera though but when he did it was worth the work and time. go go william.
Alice and myself went to Hogsback this weekend, and it was fantastic (what the doc ordered). i absolutely love this place. there is no place like hogsback- beautiful forests, waterfalls, walks and nature. if you are ever in the Eastern Cape, you just have to make your way to Hogsback. we stayed at the backpackers away with the Fairies... (i know i can't seem to escape them dam fairies, ha ha). here are a few photos...
I really like this photo of alice and the waterfall in the background. this photo was not photoshoped at all. The soft focus is natural and was created by the water spray from the waterfall on my lens.