Please can someone tell me what a friendly Python is

So i went to the local vet with a friend of mine and on their FOR SALE board was this advert! my friend drew my attention to it and we had a good giggle- is there such a thing as a friendly children's python??? only in Joburg
Twistin' at
9:23 am
not for sensitive or vegetarian viewers

my friend's domestic work had this chicken in her room and was preparing to kill it and eat it! i wanted to take a photo of her kiling the chicken but i had second thoughts. RIP mister Chicken.
Twistin' at
12:44 am
moms and tots

this is a photo i took yesterday of my friend's domestic worker's daughter and granddaughter. both of them are so photogenic and beautiful i just had to take some photos. the light in this photo works really well. it really makes the photo! the only problem i have with this shot is the Little girl's hair in front of her left eye! but other then that i love this shot!
Twistin' at
10:49 am
introducing Moodana

this is a photo of Moodana- a sculpture that makes up an international art exhibition that has been touring different countries in the hope of raising money for child welfare. Moodana has travelled extensively and is now currently visiting our most desired toursit destination in Joburg- Sandton City. some of my Grahamstown friends might know that i have a little liking for cows, so when i saw this i just had to take a photo! i love the name as a virgin hey Moodana...go go Moodana
Twistin' at
6:50 am
you are not welcome here

i just think it is so funny how all the houses in the northern suburbs of joburg have such high wall! it is crazy...even my own house has huge high walls. i sometimes think people pay more money for the walls around their house then their actual house! i just had to take a photo!
Twistin' at
10:53 am
drop your sword

this is an old photo that i took last year December while in Grahamstown. My Rhodes' friend will know this statue. there is an old myth at Rhodes that says that if you leave Rhodes a virgin this statue will drop his sword. a few years back a group of friends and myself decided we wanted to bring back the spirit of the great Dada movement. we decided that we would do random acts that would leave a mark on society. one of our plans was to decorate this very statue with condoms the night before the first day of exams, so that when people arrived at the hall where this statue is situated they would see our artwork and social comment on the drop your sword myth. we never ever got around to defacing this poor statue- it would have really gone down well with the VC (ha ha) .anyway i really like the compostion of this photo! go go dada
Twistin' at
12:13 am
drum role please....................

I just got a new Egyptian drum. I have always wanted one of these. I just love drumming, even though I'm not the best and i prefer to play bass rather then rhythm (yes yes the boho in me is coming out). Drum circles are a great way to meet new and interesting people. an Egyptian drum is very different to any other African drum-it's made of metal and plastic so it produces a very interesting "ting' sound.
Twistin' at
9:01 am
only in joburg

I was driving to Randburg the other day, when I came across this wooden chair/swing effort that some craftsman makes and advertises. I have seen several chair-swing things throughout the Sandton and surrounding areas. The craftsman seems to have placed them at different gas stations as a means of advertising to a wider audience.
But this particular one in Randburg, is the only one that has barbed wire right around. None of the other ones I have seen have this wire around them. I am very keen to phone the number advertised above the chair swing and find out why this particular one has barbed wire around it! When I saw this chair from the highway I just had to stop and take a photo.
Nowhere else would you ever see such a thing. You would think that it would be great advertising if people could sit on it and try it out for comfort, but I guess this one is just for viewing.
Twistin' at
4:34 am
i've returned to my place of birth

It is official I'm in Johannesburg, about to set off on a new chapter in my life. A chapter I've been holding off for a very long time. I have only been here a few days and already I want to run in the opposite direction. Joburg is just so different to anywhere in SA. People here are very concerned with wealth, white takkies and jean pant. anyway…on my return, I went to Sandton and took this photo of the great big statue they have erected in Nelson Mandela's honour at Sandton square (AKA Nelson Mandela square). I did not have my tripod with me so I could not get the exposure right (too much ISO). Besides that though I like the view point of this photo...
Twistin' at
4:03 am
a spot of colour

Took this photo yesterday, I was bored, so I went around our garden and tried to find things to photograph. This block of red wood caught my eye. So I just had to take a photo of it! I like the red against the grey-it really breaks up the grey and draws your attention straight to the block. The focus is not that grand and that's because I don't have a macro lens, just yet!
Twistin' at
9:54 am
kids will be kids

This is an old photo I stumbled across and thought it was worth posting. kids are fun to can't direct them (Cos they want to do their own thing), so photographing them requires one to be there were the action is happening- or else you just won't get it!
Twistin' at
7:48 am