red satin

okay so this is one of my favourite photos this month. taken at the zoo! got bored taking photos of animals in a cage...anyway decide to take photos of other thing...and there you have it folks a tree and a red well against the blue sky....
Twistin' at
10:51 am
what a slum.....

went to the Pretoria zoo yesterday....yes yes doing the zoo thing i know but like i said few posts earlier it's the safest outdoor thing to do in this region.
various people have also informed me since my stay here that the Pretoria zoo was THE BEST zoo- how wrong were they. it has to be the worst zoo i have ever been to...i am even convinced that they mistreat the animals there and I'm looking into the matter. the only reason why the zoo might be considered great by some is because you get to take a cable car as pictured above once you have walked from one ended to the other.
oh and by the way if you hate joburg go spend the day in will have an new appreciation for is heaven compared to Pretoria
Twistin' at
10:36 am
bake me some muffins

i baked some muffins the other day! saw a creative moment and decided to run with it...what you think???
Twistin' at
11:52 am

so it's been a year since i posted my first post in cape town. since then so many things have happened that it's amazing to relfect back and see that each important moment was frozen in time with a click of a button. wow... i've been taking photos for a year....
Twistin' at
10:49 am
german beer fest I

So Saturday was the infamous German beer fest that takes place every year in joburg! i was keen to go because the last time that i was at the beer fest was in martic and back then i really really loved it! it was still at the German school in those days. anyway...
Twistin' at
10:41 am
german beer fest II

feel familar....
Twistin' at
9:31 am
cradle of humankind 1 (in the beginning....there was light)

so over the long weekend, we went to the cradle of humankind, which is just outside joburg. it's an amazing place! it's so beautiful! there are quite a few things to do in the cradle of humankind. you can go to the sterkfontein caves, wonder caves and maropeng (just to mention a few). we decided to visit maropeng which is a museum that looks at the birth of earth and wo/man. the museum takes it view from Darwin and that Africa was the birth place of homosapiens- which as we might remember from school is not what they taught us! at school we were given the impression that everything started in europe. so it's nice to see that mother africa was the place were it all started. the best part of the museum is that you get to go on an underground water ride where you can explore the different elements (earth, wind, fire, water...and if you are a five element person-LOVE). i have no photos from the ride cos it is very very dark down there and you need a tripod in order to get any form of something happening in the photo. it's a really cool place. i recommend it...even if you are a christian. just go...
Twistin' at
10:14 am
cradle of humankind 2 (with these words)

so this photo was inspired by a photo taken by another photographer. i like the "WE ARE ONE"...right at the bottom of the photo! it's true we are one, you and me
Twistin' at
10:02 am
cradle of humankind 3

chatter, chatter, chatter....the photo is blurry because the teeth were moving and the lighting in the museum is dark so i had to use a slower shutter speed! if there had been a lot more light i could have used a faster shutter speed to capture the action without any blur
Twistin' at
9:52 am
cradle of humankind 4

They have some amazing displays at the museum, this is one that stuck out for me
Twistin' at
9:46 am
cradle of human kind 5

just another display at the museum...
Twistin' at
9:38 am