london my new home

well as some of you might know i have moved to london in search of a new adventure and some fun... this is my new home in hackney for the next month!!!!
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10:15 am
The underground I

the underground...what a thing!!!!!
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10:12 am
under ground II

i love this pic, the colours work so well...this is my everyday transport and i'm loving's so nice not to have to drive everywhere like back home. you also see the strangest things on the today an old man in his 70's went around blessing everyone with his cross...
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10:10 am
London eye I

On your way to Big Ben you get to see the London Eye, which was not built when i was last here (1997) it was cool to see something new.
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10:06 am
London eye II

this is the london eye close up- i like this shot very much, only problem with it is the sun flare in the corner!!!
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10:05 am
Big Ben I

today i went in search of Big Ben and i must tell you what a site...seeing this made me realise that i am in london!!!!!!
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10:04 am
Big Ben II

i really like this pic of's different to all the others and i like the blue sky...not something you see everyday in london now is it, the blue sky that is...
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10:02 am
changing of the guards I

okay i think this has to be the funniest profession in the world... it's really funy to see in really life cos thousands of people are constantly taking photos of these poor guys and all they can do is just sit there...they must be so famous they are in everyone's photo album of london...
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10:00 am
changing of the gaurds II

i like this pic, even if it is a bit blurred...different perspective of the gaurds
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9:58 am
Trafagal square

this is the famous statue at trafagal square... there are so many toursits here... i have never seen so many people before in my life..especially teenages...crazy place!!!
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9:57 am
phone anybody???

the famous red phone booth...had to get a pic
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9:54 am
hippie who took too much acid I

so i went to the Trafalgal square today and came across this man....clearly took too much acid in his hay of my favourite pics of the day though
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9:53 am
hippie who took too much acid II

this is what he was drawing on the square....cooked i tell you!!!!!
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9:48 am