
okay so the other day i was walking home and i saw this girl dressed in the weirdest outfit and all i wanted to do was take a pic of it..but i only had my phone camera with at first i was very disappointed in the shots...but then on reflection... i realised that they had a lot of potential...kind of get an impressionist feel from it!!! i love the colours and mood of these pics!!
Twistin' at
3:04 pm
Buckingham Palace I

just a pana i took of Buckingham you can see it was a real English day...grey skies all around...would have been a really cool shot if the sky was blue. imagine this was home...WOW...if only
Twistin' at
2:23 pm
Buckingham Palace II

okay so you know you are rich when this stands outside your house....dam i wish i was a queen!!!
Twistin' at
2:16 pm

i think daffidols are a national flower here...every where you look, all you see is daffodils.
Twistin' at
2:13 pm

i like the feel of this simple. the english seem to be very religious....churches were jammed pack with people over the easter weekend ...
Twistin' at
2:11 pm
pic of the day

this has to be my favourite pic so far in london...i just love everything about this was quite freaky to take as the clouds were moving really fast so when you looked up it looked as if the building was falling.....
Twistin' at
12:26 pm
st paul's stop

i have been spending the last three days with my friend sarah's parents and it has been so much fun...i'm actually sorry to see them go. we did so much sightseeing and thanks to them i was able to take many many photos. we went to st. paul's and it was breath taking to see.
Twistin' at
12:24 pm
St paul's I

just one of the statues at st paul' you can see the blue sky was trying to break thru...would have made a great pic if the whole sky was blue
Twistin' at
12:23 pm
St paul's II

more of st paul's just different angles and stuff...before i came to london i just use to take pics of people, but i find that here i have had to develop my eye for landscapes and cityscapes as well as buildings...taking pics of building is hard cos at times the building looks like it is leaning when in fact it is it's a bit of a challenge.
Twistin' at
12:19 pm
St paul's III

what an amazing think that someone built would never found such a thing in SA
Twistin' at
12:17 pm
trafalgar square again, except a different statue

It looks as if the guy is riding out of the clouds in this pic.
Twistin' at
12:15 pm

just a reflection of a building in another building's window....i like this pic
Twistin' at
12:14 pm
a touch of home

okay so if you go to the O2 dome you will find these two friendly SA take outs...the only difference to the ones back home is that these are very posh and very expensive (which is just so funny) can go have cocktails at Nandos!!!!!!
Twistin' at
12:12 pm
bus anyone I

i love this pic ....such nice colours and great suggestion of speed!!!!!!!!
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12:11 pm
Carnaby street

well this is the famous Carnaby street, where the hippies of london hung out in the 60's and 70's.
Twistin' at
12:08 pm
covent gardens II- i'm the invisble man

another performer....look at what effort the mime artist go to here in london...this is just amazing
Twistin' at
12:05 pm
covent gardens I

well this is close to the west end so there are a lot of performers around...this is a photo of a mime artist...look how really he looks. At first i thought it was a statue but then someone droped a penny in his bowl and he amazing
Twistin' at
12:02 pm
harods II

just another adaptation of the first one
Twistin' at
12:01 pm
harods I

went to hardos the other day with candice's folks and it's amazing, i just wish i had lots and lots of money to actually buy some real designer stuff....there was a mark jacobs bag there for £400...i'll have to save up for that one
Twistin' at
11:58 am