
people are always sleeping on the train. just the other day i was sitting on the train and the guy next to me dosed off and started soring...i could not help but laugh-i mean hello you are on public transport....another habit people have on the tubes is picking their nose, it's so gross!!! i'm so amazed at the fact that people pick their noses in public...i mean you can be staring someone down while they have their index finger merged up their nose and they still carry on digging for diamonds like there is no tomorrow.
Twistin' at
1:11 pm
why people should not grow their nails

so i was on the tube and there was this lady sitting near me and the first thing i noticed about her was her nails....so i just had to ask her if they were real and guess what they WERE!!! i mean hello what possesses someone to grow their nails that long??? If you look closely you can see how dirty her nails are underneath (double click the pic to enlarge)-yuck!!!! there really are a lot of freaks in London!!!!!
Twistin' at
1:08 pm
worse cup of hot chocolate in the UK so far

okay anyone who knows me knows that i'm always on a mission to find the best hot chocolate in any town...and so far i have found the worse hot chocolate ever....i had to go to Sidcup the other day for an interview and i was early so thought i would grab a cuppa...this was the first time in a long time that i actually wished i drank tea or coffee. the secret to making a good hot chocolate is making sure you add a extra spoon of hot chocolate and NO water!!!!
Twistin' at
1:03 pm
beep beep

The other day i had a meeting at canary Wharf - which is basically the banking sector of london. the person i was seeing was not in the office when i presented myself at the front desk...so they gave me this beeper which basically would notify me when my contact came down to collect me...i mean wow...how sophisticated...must remember to get this when i start up my own company!!!! (mobile photo)
Twistin' at
12:58 pm
clean green machine

You know you are living in a rich country when they have machines that go around and clean the streets...i followed this green machine all the way up the road. imagine this was your job...i walk faster then this dam thing. photo was taken with my mobile hence the low quality.
Twistin' at
12:47 pm

so it snowed on sunday and it was amazing to see. i woke up really early and happened to look out the window and it was snowing buckets out side...so decided to grab my camera and go exploring...it was strange to be in the streets so early...the snow made it feel like a ghost town!
Twistin' at
1:25 pm
snow II

wow this was the first time in my life that i saw so much snow!!! it was really cool to see....i'm glad i woke up early and got to explore the streets
Twistin' at
1:23 pm
snow III

snow on the chimney tops....i love the chimney tops here...not something you see at home...it reminds me of mary poppins....i keep looking up in the hope i will see her and her mates doing the chimney number
Twistin' at
1:20 pm
crime in every country

i guess every country has their crime...even england...saw this road sign in notting hill...sort of reminds me of the joburg highway sign i took last year that warned about crime
Twistin' at
1:09 pm
NOTTING HILL-portobello road

ah this borough is a real gem in london...i went the other day with a friend and i would give anything to live in this area...it's just such a beautiful place. lots of arty shops to shop in...beautiful english houses...if you are ever in london then you just have to included notting hill in your exploration. one of the most famous streets in notting hill is portobello road...so had to get a pic. as you can see i have played around with it in photoshop and like the feel of it.
Twistin' at
1:04 pm
borough...what a name

okay i just have to say that i love the fact that a suburb in London is actually called a borough..it makes it seem more exotic and exciting then saying i live in the suburb of hammersmith. so as you might have guessed i live in the borough of hammersmith and i must just add that it sure does beats hackney (what a dump). i really love west London...it just seems a lot better then east
Twistin' at
1:00 pm
Oxford cambridge boat races 29th of march 2008

so I'm very late in posting this but it's because i have not had free access to the Internet...but i
have just got my new laptop...which means i hope to be more up-to-date with my posts. i was really really looking forward to the oxford and Cambridge boat races...i was very disappointed that oxford won...was really rooting for Cambridge...better luck next year guys
Twistin' at
12:57 pm