YWednesday, December 03, 2008

walk along the south bank

ah love this pic...you are forced to look where the subject is looking and guess what it happens to be london tower....

Twistin' at 9:33 am

curry on bricklane

okay so the word is if you want cheap curry head to bricklane....i have just moved off bricklane...so every now and then when we don't feel like cooking we head up the road for some tasty curry.

Twistin' at 9:30 am

bus abstract

ah just an abstract taken on a bus....love the colours

Twistin' at 9:29 am

tube station

i love this pic...the lines of the station draw your eye done to the tunnel at the end...plus the beauty i guess is that there are no people...rare to see in london

Twistin' at 9:27 am

carve me a chair

old pic of a guy at camdem....

Twistin' at 9:26 am

it's been too long

okay so for regular visitors you would have notice that i have not really been faithful to my wee blog...so i have back log pics i need to post...this one is one of my mom and myself...while my folks were visiting...thought it was worth posting

Twistin' at 9:22 am